"Made in Canada" is a docu-series that brings to light the Canadian garment industry and its key players. Produced by Milo & Dexter, the series takes an in-depth look at the production process, the challenges faced by the industry, and the individuals behind the scenes who are working hard to make it all happen.
The series is structured in a unique way, with each episode focusing on a different local player in the industry. From suppliers to factory workers, each episode highlights the human aspect of the industry and provides an authentic visual of how it operates. Viewers will get to see firsthand the passion, dedication, and hard work that goes into creating garments that are proudly made in Canada.
Through this series, Milo & Dexter hopes to shed light on what is truly behind the "Made in Canada" label. By showcasing the local players and their stories, viewers will gain a greater appreciation for the industry and the people who make it all possible. The series also explores the challenges faced by the industry, such as sourcing materials, competing with overseas manufacturers, and maintaining quality while keeping costs down.
In addition to exploring the industry, "Made in Canada" also takes a closer look at where it's headed. With the growing demand for sustainable and ethical fashion, the series explores how the Canadian garment industry is adapting to meet these needs. Viewers will see how local players are incorporating sustainable practices into their production processes and how they are making a positive impact on the environment.
Overall, "Made in Canada" is a must-watch for anyone interested in fashion, manufacturing, or the Canadian industry. With its unique structure, human-focused storytelling, and authentic visuals, the series provides an engaging and enlightening look at the people and processes behind the "Made in Canada" label.
Episode one follows Jobair, the founder of Milo & Dexter, as he makes his way to Chabanel.
This series has been produce by Milo & Dexter and the film has been made by New York based filmmaker Devon Wilson.